Seafaring the North Atlantic is a musical and cinematic prelude to the Future of Oceans Symposium
FEATURING a screening of shorts on the Atlantic from the archives of the NFB, followed by Canada’s premier violin and piano ensemble Duo Concertante, performing “The ocean is full of its own collapse” by Andrew Staniland, based on Lisa Moore’s February.
Suncor Energy Hall, Friday, March 15, 5-7p.m.
Download the Seafaring Program
Video Archive of the Event
Land Acknowledgement 0:35
Sean McGrath, Introduction 1:30
Andrew Staniland 10:00
Duo Concertante Performance 14:30
Barry Stephenson, Film Intro 52:24
Billy Crane Moves Away 55:40
Hand.Line.Cod 1:13:55
Kyla Bruff, Q&A 1:27:30