For A New Earth

Ecological Conversion for Everyone



We are a small group of concerned citizens, thinkers, and practitioners trying to make a difference by working on how we think about nature. In 2015 we founded “For a New Earth” to promote ecological conversion at every level, from the grassroots to the elites. Our method is simple. Make ecological knowledge available and compelling everywhere. Share the truth of the situation.

Our common purpose is ecological conversion–to transform the imaginations and practices of communities everywhere–first, confronting the facts of how climate change and the inevitable end of the fossil fuel age is impacting all of our lives, and secondly, and more importantly, using our ingenuity to create new ways to sustain our communities both economically and culturally. Together we hope to make a positive contribution to the creation of a greener and more just future. We engage every aspect of local prosperity: arts and culture, natural resources, social enterprises and businesses, schools and religious communities, and political parties and civic initiatives.

Team photo of FANE; For A New Earth, Directors taken in Sarapiqui, Costa Rica, in front of a waterfall


For a New Earth is a Newfoundland and Labrador based initiative that mobilizes philosophy, science, and art for the sake of awakening care for our common home.

How do you change the way the world thinks and acts?

By breaking down barriers, between disciplines, between academics and the general public, between communities, between human beings and nature.

For a New Earth is in a unique capacity to bring all voices to the table in ecological discussions. We have worked with and partnered with natural scientists, artists, community leaders, government, and experts in the humanities and social sciences. We are a genuinely inter-disciplinary organization and draw particular attention to the cultural and human dimensions of environmental issues, while remaining informed about the scientific and technological aspects of ecology.

A cabin in Newfoundland surrounded by trees

'The creation of concepts in itself calls for a future form, for a new earth, and for people that do not yet exist.'

Deleuze and Guattari, What is Philosophy, 108.

Milestones in the History of FANE



The Future of Nature Sarapiqui. Transdisciplinary event, upcoming, Costa Rica.


Inaugural FANE Field School in Practical Ecology, Burnt Head, Newfoundland


“For a New Earth: An Experiment in Public Ecology.” Presentation, Bioethics Conference, Memorial University.


The Future of Oceans. Conference, Memorial University. Co-hosted by the Royal Society of Canada.


“For a New Earth: From Research Project to NPO.” Presentation at Public Engagement conference, Memorial University.


“What’s Next for Muskrat Falls.” FANE in conversation with Dave Vardy and
Jim Learning. Peter Easton Pub.


The Muskrat Falls Symposium. Happy Valley-Goose Bay, co-hosted by the Royal Society of Canada and the Labrador Institute.


“Do We Really Care About Climate Change?” Public Symposium, Ship Pub, St. John’s.


“Why the Sea Needs Us.” Presentation, Memorial University-Dalhousie Social Sciences and Humanities Oceans Research workshop, Halifax.


“The Future Nature Initiative: An Experiment in Interdisciplinary Ecology.”
Public Lecture, the University of Augsburg and the University of Bonn.


“Greening the Economy of Newfoundland and Labrador.” Town Hall meeting, St. Bonaventure’s College, St. John’s.


Eco-Literacy Faculty Workshop. St. Bonaventure’s College, St. John’s.


The Future, the Arts, Ecology. Conference, Memorial University.


“The Perils and Promise of Eco-Tourism.” Public lecture, National University of Costa Rica, Sarapiqui Campus.


“An Introduction to the Integral Ecology of Pope Francis.” Public lecture, the
Lantern, St. John’s organized by the Mercy Centre for Ecology and Justice.


The Future of Nature. Transdisciplinary event, Gros Morne National Park.
“Climate Change and the Integral Ecology of Pope Francis.” Public lecture, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY.


“The Future of Nature.” Public lecture, University Center, West Fjords, Iceland.


FANE founded with the Support of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Grant.